Android Help

Required versions

2.3 or newer

Installation instructions

  1. Open Google Play Store app.
  2. Search for and then navigate to the DealerPulse Mobile app and tap to select it.
  3. Read through the details screen which contains more specific information about the developer, features, and requirements.
  4. Tap the INSTALL button to install the app.
  5. Tap ACCEPT AND DOWNLOAD to accept the permissions for the app and your item will start downloading immediately.
Once you have logged in to the App on a mobile device, your login credentials will be saved for future visits unless you log out. Please properly safeguard your device.

Uninstalling the app

  1. Navigate to Menu > Settings > Applications > Manage Applications.
    (Android 4.0+ users will see Apps rather than Manage Applications).
  2. Scroll through the list of apps until you find the one you would like to uninstall.
  3. Tap on the app.
  4. Tap on UNINSTALL.

Disabling Push Notifications

We strongly recommend that you do not disable push notifications; as these notifications are designed to promptly inform you of serious customer satisfaction concerns at your dealership. (The Hot Alerts feature of the app uses the push notification delivery system).

Please note that disabling push notifications may vary slightly by Android version and device type.

  1. Push notifications are disabled on Android devices on a "per-app" basis.
  2. Navigate to Settings > Apps (or, more conveniently, pressing the notification itself and then tapping on APP INFO.)
  3. Under the application info screen, there is a checkbox for show notifications. Unchecking this will stop the push of these notifications to your device.